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MCBE 1.11-1.14 Guide

Hello, I’m RodriHermo and in this guide I’m going to teach you how to run 1.12.

Before starting the guide, you have to be very familiar with these terms because they will be very important in this category. And also knowing why 1.12 is the best version for this category.

The first one is highrolling. Highrolling is taking calculated and often unnecessary risks that decrease the chance of getting a decent run, but it increases the likelihood of the run becoming really good.

A good example is blaze rods. Leaving with 6 is standard, but sometimes you could get unlucky on the blaze rates so going for 5 is a risk because you are depending on getting a 2 eye or higher which is just 34%. But sometimes that’s the only way to save a bad run or to get a really good time.

The second one is reset efficiency. Reset efficiency is a principle that consists of the premise that the faster you reset undesirable worlds, the more seeds you play, so you get a higher chance of getting the seed that you want.

That doesn’t mean that you have to reset a lot necessarily, because a desired world is relative to the time you are going for, but what I’m trying to say is that you have to know pretty well what you need depending on the time you are going for. And also not spend a lot of time on a seed that you don’t know yet if it’s playable or not, that’s a very common mistake on beginners.

# Why 1.12 is good?

1.11 restock mechanics are really bad and dragon AI is pretty scary as well. 1.12 dragon AI is the same as 1.11 but the trading mechanics are way better. 1.13 dragon AI is way better but they add a ¼ chance that a village is a zombie which is an annoying run killer that can be avoided just by playing 1.12.

And 1.14 is roughly the same as 1.13.

Gonna talk about dragon behaviour later in the guide but that’s the reason why its the best version.

Now I’m going to talk about resetting principles.

First I’m going to talk about the chance of getting a playable seed.

First we need a village below 200 blocks for spawn which is around a 1/7 chance. Then the village has to have a cleric in which the chance depends on the type of village but on average is ¼.

And finally, the number of tradeable villagers can’t be below 5. It doesn’t matter how crazy the seed is, with less than 5 villagers trading is way too slow and you are forced to reset. The chance of that, not gonna lie, I’m not secure about that one but it’s around ⅘.

So in total there is a 1 in 35 chance of getting a playable seed.

Yeah I know that’s a lot of resets for just a playable seed but luckily that is the most luck based part of the entire run because the nether doesn’t require that much luck because fortresses are way more common than on 1.16+.

And one pro tip, if you want to reset faster, I recommend you to download and set up a macro which is a program that touches specific places of the screen so you could use it to press the buttons to make the seed. For me it’s a game changer and I wouldn’t run this category If I didn’t have it.

Now let’s talk about the actual run.

The category consist on buying pearls to the fletchers because they have the easiest trade of emeralds which are 32 sticks or 4 logs, and with that, level up the cleric to level 4 to start trading pearls and obviously going to the nether to get between 5 and 7 blaze rods depending of the time you are going for.

And this category is very dependent on the day and night cycles because each day, the villagers that buy all of their available stock, restock. So that’s why I recommend you to get a timer in this category.

Under certain circumstances they restock earlier but after a day it’s a guarantee that they will restock

# First day:

In first, you gotta get 2 flint to make a fletching table so one villager can become a fletcher and 10 gravel because there’s a trade that the fletcher converts gravel into flint, which is very good because now you can make another 5 fletching tables and not depend on insane flint luck. Also, the more beds or villagers, the better.

Then, you gotta get minimum 53 logs, 48 to get 12 emeralds and 5 for the fletching tables, but I recommend you 69 because with that you get 16 emeralds which will be useful later in the run. But if you are running out of time just go for 53. Remember, you gotta sleep as soon as possible to not interrupt the day and night cycle, because every second that it’s night that you could sleep but you don’t, that’s just killing time, try to avoid it. We want the days to pass as soon as possible.

Then, you need to grab all the beds of the village and place it near the center of the village. I recommend getting the beds, chopping wood, and even getting wheat at the same time (task overlap). After placing the beds, hit the bell, this way, the villagers go to the nearest bed, resulting in having lots of villagers nearby to trade without having to chase them. If the villagers go their way after a while, just hit the bell again.

If you placed all the beds sub 8 you are at a pretty good pace because all the crafting sticks and trades takes around 2 minutes (on touchscreen).

If you are playing on console or using a macro for fast crafting, that’s a timesave because you don’t have to tap really fast.

Then, place the fletching table and see if the fletcher has the flint trade, if not, break it and try again until you get it, it’s a ⅓ chance and each time not getting is a 6s timeloss approx. Then craft 24 wood into a stack and a half of plancks into 3 stacks of sticks, those numbers will be very useful to remember because with 3 stacks of sticks you can trade 6 emeralds which is the entire stock of the villager. As I said, each villager will give you 6 emeralds per day cycle. That’s why the more, the better.

Then buy the flint, make 5 fletching tables and trade another 6 emeralds. Then trade the redstone and lapis to level up the villager to level 3.

If you have time to spare, you could trade 4 extra emeralds, kill the golem, figuring out where to dig in case of sh village, getting iron if there’s a close cave. Just some ideas. If not, do it the next day.

# 2nd day:

Now trade 5 lapis so the cleric is in level 3 and a half. you might ask, why don’t you buy glowstone to level the villager to level 4 early?

The reason for that is because glowstone is expensive, costing 16 extra emeralds than just buying 5 lapis. But the problem is that you’ve already bought 5 lapis which is all of his stock, (disclaimer: For clerics their stock is 5 items not 6 like the fletchers), so you have to wait for not exactly another day but quite a while, like 5m.

That’s why we are going to go to the nether on the second day. Because instead of waiting for the next day or losing time buying glowstone, we are doing something productive which is going to the nether.

That’s a smart choice not just because it saves 16 emeralds but because of reset efficiency as well.

It’s more time-efficient to enter the nether at day 2 instead of spending one day or even one day and a half chopping wood and trading, just to have to reset to a bad nether.

The sooner you get info about how good or bad the seed is, the better.

And that’s also why going for extra emeralds on the 1st day is a timesave, it makes the trades of the start of the 2nd day pretty much instant.

(Disclaimer: Doing 2 lapis trades on the first day is possible but very rare. Instead of finishing your trades sub 10:10 or night time, you have to do it sub 7 so 3 minutes later it restocks. Finishing your trades that early is really rare and the timesave is not that big, it just saves the time to get the wood, craft and trade which is about 1:20.)

If there’s not a surface lava pool nor cave, just dig down at the village and hope for a lava pool or cave that leads to it. There’s a YT channel called Mumbo Jumbo and according to one of his videos about statistics of digging straight down, the chance of getting one of those is 47% so that’s actually a decent way to save the run.

If there’s any of those, you can use a glitch which I call it legal X-ray.

Basically dig down until y 17 or 16, then dig in a 1x2 hole until y 13, do a 2 blocks hole, place gravel underneath, place a block here and break the block over you. Now you can see where lava is, and reset ASAP if it’s too far or there’s no lava.

If you get iron, or diamonds it’s a timesave so melt the iron while doing the portal.

# Nether:

This is probably the most straightforward part of the run, just find a fortress and get your rods as fast as possible.

About fortresses, while the average distance of them in 1.16 is around 600 blocks, in 1.12 it’s around 350 so they are not common, but also not rare and getting sub 10, even sub 8 nethers should be very consistent. Chance of getting a fort in less than 200 blocks is around ⅓ and getting insta fort is around 10% or 1/8-1/12.

I recommend once you find it, lower your render distance as much as you can so more mobs spawn including blazes and endermen. About endermen, kill them if it makes sense, because a pearl costs 5 emeralds minimum or 20 logs, a pretty decent timesave.

If it makes sense to open the chest, open them, you could find diamonds which is a big timesage, but if not, for example spawning near the spawner, don’t force it.

Also remember to dig the blocks near the spawner because the least amount of blocks, the more blazes will spawn per spawn cycle.

Meanwhile you could be melting iron or managing your inventory by throwing the trash.

After getting the rods, get back to the village. If you are in a cave it will take 40s.extra seconds.

The ideal goal would be to return to the village before its night time so you can level up the villager from level 3.5 to 4 if you left sub 18:30 and even buy some pearls if you left sub 17. But if you returned barely sub 20:20 to sub 30 (night time) just sleep ASAP- If the nether somehow took you an entire day, your run is not death because they restock after a day, regardless if it was sped up by sleeping or not but that shouldn’t happen regularly and its really slow.

# Trading:

Supposing that you slept as soon as you returned to the overworld, trade 5 lapis to level up the cleric to level 4, then get 100 wood = 25 emeralds = 5 pearls, and then get another 100 wood and craft it into sticks and trade a 2nd group of pearl next day.

The reason why chopping 200 wood on one go is a mistake is because there’s 3 phases for the cleric:

Full stock (5 emeralds per pearl) - Empty stock - 3m later - restock with higher prices (6 emeralds per pearl) - one day later - full restock with original price (5 emeralds per pearl)

The problem with chopping the wood and crafting all the sticks in one go, while in terms of routing is convenient because you don’t need to go back and forth to the forest, is that you are probably gonna finish late, like at 26m mark.

So you end up trading 5 pearls and you just gotta kill 3 minutes. Or even worse, finishing at 28m mark so the villagers don’t even restock, so instead of using that time to get a discount you just get a restock with higher prices. That’s why I rather do 2 sessions of chopping wood instead of one.

The problem with that is that you need a close forest, not just one because the distance of it to the village (let’s say 1:30m) gets duplicated because you gotta go there again. But it shouldn’t be rare to get a forest less than 30s away.

So you finish your first session of chopping wood and you get your first 5 pearls at 25m then get more wood, craft sticks, trade with villagers if their prices have not been raised, then sleep. Then at the very start of the day buy 5 pearls, you should be leaving at sub 31 (early day 4) if the nether was good, sub 31 leaves are the standard consistently good village leave for this route.

To get day 3 village leaves, you gotta trade a couple of pearls at day 2 (potential for sub 24 leave), or to just accept the price raise of pearls and a big forest nearby with iron or diamond axe (potential for sub 27 leave).

Sub 23 village leaves are not possible with this route without extreme highrolling. That’s still pretty good for a beginner-intermediate route.

I’m not gonna talk about advanced routes too much but in summary they require to highroll for sh village and going nether 1st day, it’s clearly not beginner friendly but I just say it in case someone is curious.

# Endgame:

Stronghold generation stays the same until 1.18. Average sh distance is 1000, spawn is at 4,4 unless not spawnable biome: If so, it raises your +X coord, the village grid is the same and you gotta check for secret rooms on sh.

About sh nav, sh stays the same but they are played differently. If you are leaving with 10 or less pearls, you gotta spend a little bit of time opening the chests you find on your way to the portal room to get extra pearls. Obviously the priority is to find the portal room as soon as possible but spending a little bit of time is worth it.

If you find the portal room but it has not enough eyes, just after that start searching deeply.

Beginners and me in the past, spend too much searching for pearls without knowing the amount of eyes the portal has. Maybe you got 3 eyes and that time was just a timeloss.

If you leave with 11 pearl just nav normally highroll for 1 eye.

# Endfight:

The perching mechanics stay the same, the dragon takes 55s to leave the fountain if you are nearby and crit bug is the same.

But the other dragon’s behavior is quite different.

In this version, the dragon can launch you through the air +10 blocks so be very sure to have a hay bale or a lot of health (no water drops cus you are gonna fill the bucket with lava for one cycle).

Also its hit box is bigger than on 1.16 so when building up to place lava, be sure to not be that close to the dragon, you can get closer once you are +7 blocks higher.

And dragon’s breath and especially magic is really dangerous in this version. You can lose 10 hearts in less than 1,5s without warning or way to avoid which can be very infuriating in good runs. My tips are to check where the dragon is without seeing endermen which is not easy. Be far from the fountain and just hope for a fast perch so you don’t have to deal with the dodging bruh.

About the one cycle, because obsidian is rare, you gotta learn a obbyless cycle. I personally learned this method but you can use another one if you want, it’s just what worked for me.

two sides 2023 - zwn

If you wanna learn this one, one tip, instead of placing lava at 2,8 like on a standard obby one cycle, place it at 4,6. Because in this method you are in the fountain, the path the dragon takes to leave is slightly different so 4,6 works.

Please practice the obbyless one cycle a lot, and even warm up if you don’t feel comfortable with it before doing a running session.

And that’s all I have to say. I hope everything is clear. If you wanna ask questions about this, my discord is rodrihermo and my YT is RodriHermo as well.

Thanks for reading and good luck with your 1.12 runs :D /

The tutorial has been made by RodriHermo.
