Someone comes up to you and asks for a change to the leaderboard. What do you do? Well you’ve come to the right place, as this document will describe the steps for which a change should be implemented in Minecraft Bedrock Speedrunning.
# What can runners ask for?
We are always happy to listen to feedback from runners, but unfortunately not everything runners want we can provide. As such we draw hard lines at the following topics:
- Cheating-related rules
- Code of conduct changes
In particular we are looking for suggestions on the following topics from runners:
- Leaderboard splits
- New categories
# How are polls held?
Polls will be held on discord.com in a channel accessible to users with the “Runner” role.
The actual poll itself will be made by a user with the super moderator role on speedrun.com, closed, and followed upon by them. The super moderator team decides what polls are created, and what doesn’t.
The resolution of the poll is dictated by how many people participated, as well as what the votes themselves were.
If a poll:
- Gets under 10 votes, no resolution
- Wins by a margin of 32% or less, mods decide the final outcome through internal polling.
- Wins by a margin of 33% or more, the result MUST be implemented.
A poll resolution MUST be announced at a maximum of a month from when the poll was made. Following on the resolution is not required to happen in this timespan.