Moderation Guidelines for Sensitive Investigations
This document aims to provide guidelines for what to do in the case of a sensitive investigation.
A sensitive investigation is most commonly refers to a cheated run or a cheating player.
These investigations must be handled with care. If anything gets out it can potentially lead to accusations and harassment for anyone involved, runners and moderators alike. As such we wish to keep such cases to ourselves for as long as possible.
# Dialog with the other party
When we wish to start a dialog with the other party the following points are essential
- It is kept private, and messages from the other party are shared with their explicit consent
- All current moderators have access to the discussion with the other party.
- The messages are archived for future reference.
- The dialog from the moderators should be handled by a few select moderators, and the discussion topics should be agreed upon by moderators before they are brought up with the other party.
- The dialog from the moderators should be in a respectful and friendly tone, yet assertive if necessary. The moderators should not talk as if they are on.
To achieve these points the following system will be put in place
A new Private Discord Channel Category will be added which will include the following channels:
is the end of the URL of a run link.
If the discussion is not about a run then the other party’s username or other identifier shall be used.
This channel will be where all current moderators will have read permissions, and where the other party will have read and send messages permissions.
Permissions to the other party will be given directly and without the use of special roles.
2 or more moderators will be selected to be given send message permissions. They will handle the discussion with the other party and speak on behalf of the moderation team.
This channel will be where all moderator-related discussion will happen, where all current moderators will have read and send messages permissions, and can speak, pin, and otherwise do whatever.
# Verdict
When a verdict is reached an announcement will be sent to the other party informing them of our decision. They will have 48 hours to respond, after which we will put the decision in effect, and reject or approve the run as needed.
If new evidence comes to light the verdict will be postponed until the moderators can come to a new conclusion.
If the subject at matter is of interest to a large number of people in the community then an announcement will be made.
The announcement shall respect the wishes of the other party, when it comes to sharing messages, videos, names, or other information.