While not a part of Minecraft Bedrock Speedrunning, many of the bedrock moderators partake in the process of adding new maps, servers, and minigames “games” to
The Bedrock Moderators are also responsible for the form people use to submit new games, and as such this document serves as a quick intro.
# What
The site is a deno serverless application, who’s job is to take user input and post it on discord through a webhook. As of today only Troll has access to the infrastructure running the site, as such if there are any questions or concerns please get in touch.
# New Games explains quite well what we expect of users to submit.
The general consensus is that bedrock moderators approve/deny bedrock games, java moderators approve/deny java games, and everyone approves/denies miscellaneous submissions.
At least 2 moderators should agree in an approval/rejection, and one should get in contact with the original submitter to let them know of the decision.